Reflection Party

Studio Tropico & Surfing World Magazines end of year exhibition went down on Saturday night signing out the year with a bang. In tropico fashion we gave out a bunch of disposable cameras to capture the good times that unfolded. Check out the gallery for all the pics!
Huge thanks to our sponsors Vonu Pure Lager, Bati Premium Rum, Produce Cold Pressed Juice and Bayou Film for making the night a hit.
Thank you to all the artists involved: Kane Skennar, Ming Nomchong, Jack Bailey, Lila Theodoros, Craig Parry, Lynden Foss, Noel Brady, Jemma Scott, Michelle Troop, Jaka Adamic, Cinzia Brambilla, Anna Swain for showcasing your amazing work!
Party Gallery

Artist Gallery

#studiotropico #surfingworldmagazine #vonu #vonubeer #batipremiumrum #produce #bayoufilm #rumcooffiji #alcohol #art #studio #studiophotography #beer #surfing #surfphotography #fashiophotography #byronbay #artistexhibition #photographyexhibition #beer #rum #coldpressedjuice #film #filmdevelopment #party #kaneskennar #mingnomchong, #jackbailey #lilatheodoros #craigparry #lyndenfoss, #noelbrady #jemmascott #michelletroop, #jakaadamic #cinziabrambilla #annaswain