Spotlight: Cherise Joelle
We’re very proud to celebrate the launch of our new website! And we’ve been blessed to work with Cherise Joelle who pitched the idea of a site redesign a few months back. Check out the recent interview we did with her talking about where she got started and where she draws her inspiration.
Can you tell us how you got into designing websites?
My background is in marketing, so I've always had to work with websites uploading content, but I used to build websites for fun initially. Then when I got my wisdom teeth out I spent the week building out a new website to bring to life an idea I had. It never amounted to anything but I couldn't believe how much I loved the design process.
I have always loved designing sites but hated working with Wordpress. Because of that, I thought a career in the industry would never be for me. But after chatting with @Punodostres on my podcast, I realised that there are SO many other platforms I could use. And so, I left my career as a freelance writer behind and studied web design.
How would you explain your style of website design, and how did that come about?
My design style is feminine and playful yet bold. I love experimenting with layers and making websites feel like you're actually reading a magazine, taking the user on a journey through every page which is thoughtful and considered.
Do you have a favourite project that you’ve worked on?
I loved working on Nala Communication's website where I got to play with typography and an incredible colour palette. I also loved working with you guys - especially how the mega menu turned out.
What brands, designers, or artists have inspired you the most over the years?
I love art in every single way. Music, visual art, photography etc. So I'm constantly inspired by different artists and different media. Every few months I like to explore a different media, and try it out, which is kind of how I got into web design initially. But in general, I am so inspired by anyone who is running their own business. This has always been my dream and I've always been so intrigued watching others do so. Artists that inspire me include Quibe - his one-line drawings. Frida Kahlo, I love her work and her story. Mehran Djojan and Ming Nom Chong photography. Puno for I Love Creatives and her work. Frank Ocean - who just creates what he wants and goes for it. And my friends. I have an amazing circle of creative friends who keep me motivated and inspired, daily!
If you had an open brief, an endless budget what would you do?
I love collaborating with other creatives, so it'd be fun to mix media and work with different local artists and photographers turning their tangible work into something digital. I'd start with organising a photoshoot of artists painting in action at an incredible, remote location. Then I'd use the photos of the journey for the website. Maybe get a local musician involved to create a soundtrack over the top that really sums up the vibe at the time.
Imagery on a website is so important, so if I could have control over the set and photography, that would be fun.